SEO Cocoon

Get customers by becoming #1 on Google with AI

Identification of keywords to be visible to your market, writing attractive content, optimized for web searches and social media.

Boost your digital marketing and web traffic acquisition on your site easily.

The SEO app sustainably allows to highlight your offers to your sales targets
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Identify the keywords that your commercial targets will search for

SEO optimization of keywords and search intent for better Google ranking, tailored to your market, personas, and offerings

Your semantic cocoon

To obtain your list of relevant SEO keywords for your business, you just need to enter :

  • Your commercial targets (personas)
  • Your products and services (offers)
  • Identifies 30 keywords for you, for each cross-referencing of information

    With the best of artificial intelligence, optimized by our engineering and data reprocessing.

  • In only 5 minutes

    You benefit from the results of a half-day brainstorming session involving several people.

Generate content to gain visibility

Your compelling web content aligned with your target market's searches, in 30 seconds

  • From your list of keywords, our artificial intelligence creates unique, attractive, high-quality content

    Writed for readers, that is also valued by search engines.

  • Boost your content strategy and optimize your natural referencing

    Sustainably improve your visibility and positioning on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and more.

  • You also get the title and description of your web content

    In order to maximize the positive and lasting impact of promoting your offers to your sales targets, and convert web traffic into customers.

  • Intelligently optimize and lower your SEA budget

    Google Ads, Meta Ads, ...

Create unique, relevant, and engaging SEO content for the web to increase the visibility of your offers and strengthen your leadership and authority in the market

Boost your product descriptions to drive sales

Optimize the product pages of your e-commerce catalog

Product catalog with hundreds or thousands of items ?

Transform your product descriptions into attractive, well-written texts designed to captivate your customers.

  • Irresistible descriptions

    Engaging content to attract and convert more visitors into customers, while enhancing the product experience.

  • Improvement of SEO ranking for each product

    Benefit from SEO optimized and enriched descriptions to improve visibility and conversions of your e-commerce catalog.
    These contents feed search engines and showcase your products in search results pages.

  • Fast and smart optimization

    Save a lot of time on large catalogs with a smart tool that enriches your descriptions in a few clicks.

Generate inspiring posts for social networks

Your content for social networks

  • Do you want to create posts automatically, to announce the launch of a new offer, the publication of your new blog post ?
  • Would you like to highlight your company's strengths and expertise ?

    Create all your posts for your different social networks in just 1 clic, so you're visible and impactful there too.

Create engaging SEO content for your social media to energize your brand and increase visibility of your offers online

Boost your digital prospecting

Generate commercial hooks with SEO Cocoon for your digital prospecting

Your unique and compelling sales hooks

  • You'd like to have catchphrases and slogans that surpass those of your competitors, for your campaigns and contacts ?
  • Discover simple, powerful growth hacking tools

    Capture new customers through digital prospecting, via different vectors (email, social networks, sales funnels, etc.), in an effective way.

How it works

How it works ?

Our advantages

Starts using SEO Cocoon today !

Boost your visibility on Google and attract clients quickly with SEO Cocoon

No payment method needed
No engagement
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Free SEO tools

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

SEO Cocoon is an online software for :

  • Rédiger du contenu pour votre site web, des articles de blog pour mettre en avant votre expertise, des posts et des scripts de vidéos pour les réseaux sociaux, et des accroches commerciales
  • Gagner en visibilité dans les résultats de recherches que font vos cibles commerciales, et ainsi permettre à vos futurs clients de vous trouver
  • Renforcer considérablement l'attrait et l'accroche de votre site internet
  • Improve the marketing presentation of e-commerce products

La solution SEO Cocoon est utile à toutes les entreprises qui ont un site Internet, et qui souhaitent développer durablement la visibilité de leurs offres et de leur marque(s) sur Internet, quelle que soit leur taille : les commerces (magasins et boutiques en ligne), PME, ETI, industries, entreprises de services.
Elle s'adresse aussi aux associations et aux institutions.

SEO Cocoon est un précieux outil de performance numérique pour les acteurs du marketing digital, les chargés de communication, les content managers, les gestionnaires de sites e-commerce et webmasters.

Web content :

  • Blog article
  • Offer presentation
  • Landing page (For each of your personas)
  • Top 10 of...

E-commerce :

  • Product presentation
  • Product advantages (list)

Social networks :

  • Social network post
  • Video script

Prospecting and "Growth hacking" :

  • Quirky catchphrase
  • Sales pitch message
  • Sales funnels (Landing page)
  • Emailing
  • Newsletter

Une méthodologie marketing et rédactionnelle contextualisée

Basée sur vos personas et offres, pour des résultats pertinents, qui contribuent vraiment à votre croissance.

Une qualité supérieure d'écriture

  • Qui renforce significativement l'image de marque et l'attrait durable de votre audience cible pour votre site
  • Débarassée des "marqueurs ChatGPT, qui peuvent repousser votre audience et augmenter le taux de rebond, pénalisant ainsi durablement vos efforts de création de contenus et votre stratégie SEO.

Un processus de création plus fluide et bien plus simple

Un processus qui permet directement de produire les contenus voulus, dans le format voulu, exploitables dans votre site web et accompagnés automatiquement des éléments techniques utiles (les titres et méta descriptions des contenus web).

Un gain de temps

Pour obtenir les résultats et l'évitement des opérations de retraitements manuels fastidieuses de contenus ChatGPT.

Une optimisation efficace de votre référencement Google

Maximiser la visibilité et le référencement naturel (SEO) de votre entreprise, de votre marque et de vos offres.

What are tokens ?

Virtual, non-monetary unit, representing the right to access and use SEO Cocoon.

How order new tokens ?

In app order workflow. After ordering :

  • Tokens accreditation is then carried out in the workspace
  • You will receive an order confirmation email
  • You will receive an invoice by email

After purchasing tokens, you can fully exploit SEO Cocoon, pour identifier et gérer vos mots clés et générer du contenu optimisé SEO et SMO.

How to track token consumption ?

In app customer account administration.

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